Retirement Planning

Birnbaum Advisory guides you through state-of-the-art and practical strategies to help ensure a comfortable and secure retirement with your values and lifestyle goals being the driving force for your personal plan.

We assist you in making informed and intelligent decisions about how to build and grow your savings and increase retirement income, considering such matters as investment options, tax issues, healthcare costs, and estate planning.

Birnbaum Advisory skillfully illustrates the impact of changing circumstances and assumptions on your potential retirement cash flow.  We accomplish this using financial modeling techniques and tools which simulate different scenarios, highlighting how altered factors like inflation rates, investment returns, retirement age, tax rates, etc., can influence results.  In this way we help you make big decisions, for example, whether to buy vacation homes, renovate your home, relocate or increase vacation travel.

By using comprehensive reports and technology Birnbaum Advisory can help you make better decisions by understanding the significance of various assumptions in shaping your plans for retirement.

BIRNBAUM ADVISORY helps you secure your future, filled with financial independenence, purpose, peace of mind and freedom to enjoy your best life.